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WACACO Picopresso Stand


Add a touch of finesse to your Picopresso brewing ritual with the WACACO Picopresso Stand. Designed with both functionality and aesthetics in mind, the Picopresso Stand adds a touch of elegance to your brewing setup. Its modern and minimalist design blends seamlessly with any environment, whether it’s your kitchen countertop or the back of your van.

Made up of four easily dismountable parts, the Picopresso Stand seamlessly assembles into a rock-solid platform. It’s your trusty companion, always ready to provide a sturdy base for your brewing.

But that’s not all. With the adjustable built-in mirror, you can now keep a watchful eye on every mesmerizing extraction. Witness the magic unfold as your rich, aromatic espresso flows into the cup.

NOTE: The Picopresso Stand is only compatible with the Picopresso. The Picopresso, the Gauge and Exagram shown in the photos are not included.


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