
Weighing in at 236g, less truly is more with the Porlex Mini Grinder. The smallest of its peers, but its narrow cylindrical shape fits beautifully in your hand, allowing you grind in a very natural motion. So even though in theory a larger burr should grind faster, the Porlex’s superior ergonomics allows it to out run other manual grinders in its class. The lid prevents beans from flying all over the place, which keeps grinding neat and tidy, which is surprisingly uncommon amongst its competition. So you wonā€™t find yourself distorting into 50 different positions to get the most out of it.

The adjustable conical ceramic burr delivers great grind consistency, and with a little elbow grease can even grind for espresso, which you canā€™t do with most poweblackbtn grinders under R2500.


Its easy to adjust by simply turning the turn key underneath. Porlex mini grinds a max of 22g-25g of coffee, which covers the bases for most single cup alternative brew recipes, and the adjustments are really well weighted increments to keep things pretty simple.

0-1 clicks = #Espresso

1-3 clicks = #Mocha pot

5-7 clicks = #Plunger

5-8 clicks = #Pour Over/ #Plunger/ #Filter

1-8 clicks = #AeroPress depending on coffee & preferblackbtn style.

The stainless steel casing provides a nice tough exterior, and it fits snuggly into the infamous AeroPress, making it a perfect rough and ready travel partner. I wonder if it was designed with this in mind, because this also allows you to grind directly into your AeroPress dosing chamber. Genius!

This little power house is super versatile and a must have for any coffee lover in all coffee situations. E.g. AeroPress Mile High Club!




